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日本化学会発行の学術雑誌 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Nov 2022, Vol.95 No.11 Link
Nov 2022, Vol.95 No.11 Link
Burst of DNA Double-Strand Breaks by Dicopper(II) Complex with a p-Cresol-2,6-Bis(amide-tether-dpa) Ligand via Reductive O2-Activation
Machi Hata ,Yuki Kadoya ,Yutaka Hitomi , and Masahito Kodera *
An article from Prof. Masahito Kodera is published. BCSJ editorial board have awarded Selected Paper to this article.
They found a burst of DNA double-strand breaks by a dicopper complex with p-cresol-2,6-bis(amide-tether-dpa) ligand via reductive O2-activation with AscNa under air. The rapid HO• generation and the DNA binding mode of 1 enable the burst of DNA double-strand breaks. These results may provide a new methodology for the development of DNA double-strand cutters useful for gene editing and therapeutic applications.
Prof. Kodera is a Professor at the Department of Molecular Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University.
Machi Hata ,Yuki Kadoya ,Yutaka Hitomi , and Masahito Kodera *
An article from Prof. Masahito Kodera is published. BCSJ editorial board have awarded Selected Paper to this article.
They found a burst of DNA double-strand breaks by a dicopper complex with p-cresol-2,6-bis(amide-tether-dpa) ligand via reductive O2-activation with AscNa under air. The rapid HO• generation and the DNA binding mode of 1 enable the burst of DNA double-strand breaks. These results may provide a new methodology for the development of DNA double-strand cutters useful for gene editing and therapeutic applications.
Prof. Kodera is a Professor at the Department of Molecular Chemistry and Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University.