論文雑誌「Polymer Journal」のカバーピクチャーを制作しました[早稲田大学]

弊社で制作しました早稲田大学 畠山歓先生ご依頼のカバーアートが
Nature Publishing Group発行の学術雑誌 Polymer Journal
2023年2月号 Front Coverに採用されました。

Polymer Journal カバーピクチャー 科学イラスト 論文 表紙絵 アートアクション 早稲田大学  畠山 歓先生
Polymer Journal
February 2023,  Volume 55 Issue 2 Link
Recent advances and challenges in experiment-oriented polymer informatics
Kan Hatakeyama-Sato

This review summarizes recent advances in experimental polymer chemistry supported by data science. The area of polymer informatics is rapidly growing based on cheminformatics, materials informatics, and data science platforms. Data-driven analyses, predictions, and suggestions for experimental polymer research are becoming more practical, and machine learning models can now predict various macromolecular properties with reasonable accuracy. At the same time, the limitations of current polymer informatics are being revealed. Developing appropriate treatments for higher-order structures and experimental procedures is critical to adequately process the hierarchical relationships of polymer systems. Recent attempts to treat this advanced information and future challenges in polymer informatics are discussed.