
弊社で制作しました京都大学 草田康平先生のカバーアートが
アメリカ化学会発行の学術雑誌 JACS(Journal of the American Chemical Society)

カバーピクチャー JACS 科学イラスト 京都大学 草田康平先生 表紙絵 cover picture
理学研究科  ナノ物質化学特別講座
草田 康平 先生
Journal of the American Chemical Society
January 22, 2020  Volume 142, Issue 3 Link
The first example of the synthesis of Rh carbide was achieved by the concurrent supply of Rh and C atoms. Tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) plays two important roles for the synthesis: tunes the reduction of Rh ions and supplies C atoms following its decomposition.

Takuo Wakisaka,Kohei Kusada*,Dongshuang Wu,Tomokazu Yamamoto,Takaaki Toriyama,Syo Matsumura,Hiroshi Akiba,Osamu Yamamuro,Kazutaka Ikeda,Toshiya Otomo,Natalia Palina,Yanna Chen,Loku S. R. Kumara,Chulho Song,Osami Sakata,Wei Xie,Michihisa Koyama,Yoshiki Kubota,Shogo Kawaguchi,Ryan L. Arevalo,Susan M. Aspera,Elvis F. Arguelles,Hiroshi Nakanishi and Hiroshi Kitagawa*"Rational Synthesis for a Noble Metal Carbide"J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 3, 1247-1253