
弊社で制作しました豊田理化学研究所 西川惠子様のカバーアートが
日本化学会発行の学術雑誌 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

カバーピクチャー 科学イラスト 論文表紙絵 アートアクション 豊田理化学研究所 西川様 日本化学会(CSJ)
公益財団法人 豊田理化学研究所
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Sep 2021,  Vol.94 No.9
The Solution Chemistry of Mixing States Probed via Fluctuations: a Direct Description of Inhomogeneity in Mixing
Keiko Nishikawa

An account from Prof. Keiko Nishikawa is published. The present author proposed a completely different method to describe the solution structure by expressing the inhomogeneity in distribution of atoms and molecules and in concentration as "density fluctuation" and "concentration fluctuation", respectively; namely the structure of a solution is described in terms of the "mixing state" or "mixing scheme." This paper introduces density fluctuation and concentration fluctuation, as well as Kirkwood-Buff Integrals. Prof. Nishikawa is a fellow at Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute since 2019. Her research interests have been in structure and dynamics of disordered systems such as liquids, solutions and supercritical fluids from the perspective of fluctuations. Link