論文雑誌「Advanced Materials」のカバーピクチャーを制作しました[理化学研究所]

弊社で制作しました理化学研究所 西川浩矢様のカバーアートが、
Wiley社が発行する学術雑誌Advanced Materials 2021年9月号 Front Coverに選ばれました。

Advanced Materials カバーピクチャー 科学イラスト 論文表紙絵 アートアクション cover picture 理化学研究所
創発物性科学研究センター  ソフトマター物性研究チーム
Advanced Materials
September 2, 2021,  Volume33, Issue35 Link
A New Class of Chiral Nematic Phase with Helical Polar Order (Adv. Mater. 35/2021)
Hiroya Nishikawa, Fumito Araoka

A new class of cholesteric phase with local polar order is realized by Fumito Araoka and Hiroya Nishikawa in article number 2101305. In general, the periodicity of the conventional cholesteric liquid crystal corresponds to the half-pitch of the helix, having head-and-tail symmetry in the local nematic director. On the other hand, the newly found polar cholesteric liquid crystal is characterized with a full-pitch periodicity of the helix due to the polar degeneracy in the local nematic director. This delivers some unprecedented properties, such as fast electro-optic response based on the photonic band modulated with polar helix deformation.
