論文雑誌「European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry」のカバーピクチャーを制作しました[東京大学]

弊社で制作しました東京大学 内田さやか先生のカバーアートが、
Wiley社が発行する学術雑誌 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
2021年4月号 Front Coverに選ばれました。

カバーピクチャー 科学イラスト 論文表紙絵 アートアクション 東京大学 内田さやか先生 cover picture
内田 さやか 先生
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
7 April 2021  Link
Formation of Mixed‐Valence Luminescent Silver Clusters via Cation‐Coupled Electron‐Transfer
in a Redox‐Active Ionic Crystal Based on a Dawson‐type Polyoxometalate with Closed Pores

Naoya Haraguchi, Tomoki Okunaga, Yuto Shimoyama, Dr. Naoki Ogiwara, Dr. Soichi Kikkawa,
Prof. Seiji Yamazoe, Prof. Miki Inada, Prof. Takashi Tachikawa, Prof. Sayaka Uchida

The Front Cover shows a redox‐active ionic crystal based on a Dawson‐type polyoxometalate (POM), which can form and stabilize small mixed‐valence luminescent silver clusters via a cation‐coupled electron‐transfer reaction between the reduced POM and Ag+. The silver cluster can stably exist without the aid of protecting ligands at room temperature. X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and X‐ray absorption fine structure measurements suggest that the silver species exist mainly as [Ag4]2+ in a tetrahedral geometry in the closed pores of the ionic crystal. More information can be found in the Communication by S. Uchida and co‐workers.
