
弊社で制作しました理化学研究所 数間恵弥子様のカバーアートが
日本化学会発行の学術雑誌 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

bcsj カバーピクチャー 科学イラスト 論文表紙絵 アートアクション 理研 数間様 cover picture
国立研究開発法人 理化学研究所
数間 恵弥子 様
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
2020, Vol.93, No.12  Link
Real-Space Studies of Plasmon-Induced Dissociation Reactions with an STM
Emiko Kazuma

An account from Prof. Emiko Kazuma is published.

They applied STM techniques to investigate the mechanism of bond dissociation reactions induced by the plasmon at a single-molecule level. Their results suggest that the reaction mechanism and behavior are governed not only by plasmonic properties of the metal nanostructures but also by the electronic structures of molecule-metal systems.

Dr. Kazuma is a research scientist of a SPDR of RIKEN since 2018. Her research focuses on plasmon-induced charge separation, surface photochemistry, and plasmon chemistry at a single-molecule level.
